本片以架空的仙俠世界為背景,講述了分屬人、妖不同陣營的重生和菩提為愛情與世俗和惡勢力奮起抗爭的感人故事。影片中,男女主人公重 生與菩提在機緣巧合之下相識、相知、相愛,卻因為世俗秩序的反對和 惡勢力的阻撓而無法相守。男主人公重生最初因怕麻煩而總對妖怪避而遠之,但在遇到菩提、 一同經歷種種波折后,逐漸變得勇敢,甘愿奉獻 ,甚至為愛人舍生忘死。女主人公菩提乃人妖結合所生,體內潛藏魔性 ,但她卻一心向善,并未放任成魔,即使后來被人設計墮入魔道,心中殘存的善念也支撐著她一直沒有放棄自我。本片以仙俠愛情為主線,并在跌宕起伏的情節中升華主題,體現了愛可以感化一切的偉大力量。
10.0 黏土人
2023 愛情簡介:Written by Ana?s Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Rapha?l. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but e... -
7.0 真愛小誤會
1.0 配對2
2.0 青春戀歌粵語
6.0 哥本哈根愛的故事
9.0 馬科斯·特里默的沉默