影片主角是艾薇的妹妹凡歐莉(潔米普萊絲莉 飾),心懷不軌的她,前去拜訪好朋友喬絲的家,為了報復11年前的一次背叛,凡歐莉開始利用美色與手段,有計劃的誘惑喬絲的父親與男朋友……不久后,喬絲整個家都陷入了恐慌與騙局之中,凡歐莉的復仇計劃,釀成了致命的后果!
9.0 皮衣姐妹
1969 西方倫理簡介:A husband is blackmailed by 3 lesbian bikers after they spot him having sex with another woman in a convertible. They then take the man's wife out for a picnic and some nude motorcycle riding. The husband finds some male bikers and together they try to save his wife from becoming a lesbian biker. -
9.0 修女瑪利亞
2.0 梳之火
7.0 校園女孩報告:性愛之時勿忘愛
4.0 六本木令嬢
7.0 白日夢2