一場史無前例的狂犬病疫情正在針葉林中爆發。 被感染的狼變得越來越兇猛,咬一口必死無疑。 與此同時,一位絕望的父親決定將他的兒子強行隔離在其中一個狩獵小屋中。 很快,他和幾位當地居民不僅要與狂犬病狼群作戰,還要與森林中最危險的掠食者作戰。劇情取材于2019年發生在俄羅斯阿穆爾州的真實事件
7.0 死亡不是終點
2025 劇情簡介:Following the tragic death of his wife, Jon struggles with feelings of guilt when he starts an affair with the enigmatic Red. As he comes closer and closer to Red in a psychologically probing and mutually abusive relationship, Jon begins to question what exactly happened the night his wife killed herself. With the Stutter, a haunting echo seemingly everywhere around him blurrin... -
6.0 永遠超級幸福
5.0 心靈家園
1.0 深山狙擊
4.0 圓2024
3.0 一勝